Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
Being a part of the solution will help you build the business of your dreams. Focusing on problems will make it your worst nightmare.
In this blog, I’m going to challenge you to think a little differently about your business so that you can have solutions focus and rise above the daily chaos of running a business. The next time you face a challenge, ask yourself. Am I a part of the problem or part of the solution? Trustegrity members use our interactive roundtable discussions to solve business problems and find the solutions to level up their organizations.
Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. ~ Sun Tzu
I have been a part of a mastermind group called the Platinum Club for over 20 years. I was one of the founders, and we now have 19 members. We all started out in the same business. Still, over time the majority of us have successfully retired, become investors, or started a different business. The depth of knowledge within this group is second to none. The ability to help each other find solutions to problems is a critical part of our process. This group meets in some exotic location once a year and virtually three times a year. The members of this group are massive contributors to my past and current success. The connections, knowledge, and support are second to none. Gratefully, I’m one of the members who have built another successful business. I have built it using some of the guiding principles I have learned over the last 20 years as part of the Platinum Club.
It’s called Trustegrity. We have over 40 groups nationwide. Join one of our mastermind groups.
So here is the secret to inspiring your entire organization to focus on solutions. It’s not easy, but it’s something great companies do. Every great company was a small local business at some point. Building a strong foundational culture is a significant part of what every company does to become great. A strong culture that focuses on solutions will allow you to build a business that provides a lifestyle second to none and makes your dreams a reality.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” ~ Peter Drucker
Culture: It all starts with culture; most successful businesses have a vision and mission, some have values, world changers go beyond that with a cultural covenant.
Here is ours:
- We support one another and the team’s decisions.
- We communicate authentically at all times.
- We execute projects and plans like a patriot, not a mercenary.
- We honor and respect one another’s ideas and feelings.
- We trust one another with responsibility for projects, actions, and capabilities.
- We believe in a continuous process of improvement.
- We build profit for our franchise owners as we focus on our WIG. (Wildly Important Goal)
- We help each other be accountable
- We commit to harmony.
- We Celebrate Success
Your homework is to create a cultural covenant that inspires people, ignites passion, creates profit, and makes a social impact in the communities you serve. Let us know if we can help.
In the future, I’ll post a few additional blogs on how to build the business of your dreams. I have personally been involved in over 25 different companies; many have succeeded spectacularly others have failed. I have deep learning with all of them.
Achieve More,
David Alexander-Global Connector/CEO