
Hartford, the capital city of Connecticut, has a diverse business community that spans various industries.

Beyond major corporations, Hartford has a vibrant community of small and local businesses. These enterprises contribute to the diversity of the business landscape and play a crucial role in the local economy.

Trustegrity members embody the spirit of Hartford’s vibrant economy, with many actively involved in high-growth opportunities across various industries.  See below the group in Hartford, Connecticut, with the best and brightest who boldly embrace The Power To Grow through their active involvement. 



Click on the buttons below to learn more about our local groups in your area.

David Alexander

Trustegrity CEO and Global Connector
David is the CEO and a Global Connector for Trustegrity. Since 1998 with High Achievers and since 2012 with Trustegrity, David has led a powerful team to help leaders connect, confide, and collaborate. Both organizations help leaders, entrepreneurs, and business advisors build the business and life of their dreams. High Achievers® provides a forum for knowledge sharing, accountability, and peer support. Trustegrity® provides an efficient forum for leaders to connect, confide, and collaborate in a trusted environment.

Click the button below to find a Group near you in the western area of Chicago, IL.

Kevin Donovan

Trustegrity Group Chair
Trustegrity provides a supportive and collaborative environment where like-minded individuals come together to share experiences, insights, and expertise. In Trustegrity groups, you can build solid and trustworthy professional relationships, fostering camaraderie essential for entrepreneurial success.

Click the button below to find a Group near you in Hartford, Connecticut.

Trustegrity® by High Achievers® 2023